Currently, we offer three workshops that can be brought into your venue, anywhere you can fly us.
- Cold Read Bootcamp – This hugely successful workshop, taught by studio Director, Nathan D. Myers, has been a staple of the FWAS universe since the studio’s inception. Learn everything you need to know to begin to master a fantastic cold read audition, from technique to etiquette in the CD’s office. This workshop is available online and in-studio about once a quarter. Contains: Four Modules, 15 hours of material. Recommended two days or more to complete. Our live bootcamps take two evenings and a Saturday, or a Saturday/Sunday to complete.
- Screenplay Nuts & Bolts – This short writer’s workshop, (also available in a lengthier version online) is taught by the incomparable Actor/Writer Jason Davidson (Aria Appleton, Top 50 Cinequest selection/reader for Austin Film Fest), and is everything you need to know to sharpen your screenwriting craft. Take your screenplay idea and map it out in a single weekend.
- Priests of Art – This (up to) three day workshop taught by Studio Director, Nathan D. Myers is a stimulating spiritual retreat within a Stanislavski course. Stanislaviski famously referred to Actors as the “Priests of Art.” Learn about your Artist’s craft as a divine privilege and begin to put it into practice Stanislavski style. The course utilizes Constantin Stanislavski’s proprietary exercises, meditation, physical apparatus work, object work, pantomime, etc…